Find fulfillment, live your values and create joy in your life…

even in a complicated world

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I don’t have to sell you on the importance of being aligned with your values

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You already know you feel like the best version of yourself when you understand & prioritize what's most important to you. But it turns out that oftentimes, that’s easier said than done. 

If your time was your own, if money was limitless, and if everyone played by your rules (joking…kind of) then you would be able to make decisions purely based on your values. 

But that's not how the real world works. 

I’m Roxanne Burbach and I help people to navigate those complexities so that they can live joyful and intentional lives at the intersection of individual thriving and the collective good.

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We know that the world we live in brings with it complexities:

  • Being in relationship with family members, friends, and colleagues with different values and perspectives

  • Making individual decisions within the context of complex systems of gender, race, and class inequality

  • ‘Work in progress’ workplace cultures where company values are more of an aspiration than a reality

  • Conflicting demands on your time and energy

  • Value clashes in your community

This can leave us feeling overwhelmed and demoralized, like we can never do enough or be enough - for ourselves and for our community. 

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Here’s the truth:

Living your values doesn’t have to be a burden, or a problem to be solved.

It can be a source of joy.

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When you’re connected with and living from your values: 

  • You are more in touch with what makes you you, and you can bring your authentic self more consistently to all aspects of your life

  • You see more clearly how you want to engage in your community, and feel empowered to go out and make it happen

  • You spend less time in indecision. You assess opportunities and make choices using a values lens

  • You have greater insight into your emotions and have the language to communicate more clearly with your loved ones and colleagues

  • Life doesn't feel quite so heavy. Taking action on what’s important to you helps life feel more manageable

  • Fulfillment is your default mode

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That’s the work I do. Want to learn more?


Coaching for Individuals

Coaching For Leaders & Organizations

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On the blog

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